Don’t let your smile fade out

Root canal treatment consists of the extraction of the pulp, a small tissue inside the tooth. When the pulp is removed because of an infection, the canals that contained it are cleaned, reshaped and filled, concluding with the procedure.

With this procedure, the restored teeth are able to be healthy for many years, always with the proper treatment and monitoring.

Martha Cardenas
“During all the time I have received treatment for different procedures, I have received excellent care and optimal service. Congratulations to the entire medical staff.”
Edgar Germán Fuentes García
“The attention is good, and the consultations are quite fast.”
Jorge Villarreal
“Excellent customer service and experts in dentistry.”
Gerardo Quintana
“Perfect service, always attentive, courteous, and professional in their work.”
Don't waste more time, let's save your teeth!

A space is created to access the damaged tissue. Depending on the patient’s features, the entrance position can change.

We remove the damaged pulp using our advanced equipment, then clean and mold the root canal before sealing it.

Sometimes the procedure needs to be carried out in more than one visit; if that’s the case, we seal it with temporary material, protecting the tooth for the next visit.

On the next visit, the temporary material is removed and permanently filled with a special material to prevent bacteria from entering the root canals.

Finally, we place a reconstruction followed by a dental crown, restoring its original shape and appearance.

We have specialists trained in Root Canal and Endodontics in Monterrey. Make an evaluation with us and save your natural teeth.


We have the most advanced technology equipment and the best dental specialists

We know the discomfort that an infection or a damaged tooth can cause; evaluate your case with us and solve the problem that doesn’t let you live comfortably.


We work with the best dental specialists and we are ready to answer all your questions

When an infection caused by a cavity affects the tooth, damaging the enamel and dentin, exposing the pulp tissue, and therefore causing an infection.

No, since it is performed with local anesthesia, although sometimes patients feel pain after the procedure, but this is controlled with analgesics that are part of the treatment.

A root canal is carried out to prevent tooth extraction and maintain its functionality.

Each case is particular, but generally the symptoms are severe pain or hypersensitivity to cold or heat, although sometimes the problem is detected at the dentist’s office.

Don’t let your discomfort stop you from smiling; at Dental Clinic Monterrey we have the solution

Don't let your discomfort stop you from smiling; at Dental Clinic Monterrey, we have the solution.